Through her reflex integration and sound therapy programme, Tracy helped our son transform from a little boy with sensory issues and a lack of attention to a confident, focused, happy child. We cannot thank her enough for the patience and positive attitude she showed towards my son over the weeks they worked together.

Tracy’s creativity and determination was the perfect approach to help meet my son’s goals. I saw growth and improvement socially and academically after completion of the reflex integration and sound therapy programme programmes with Tracy. Over and above Tracy also helped my wife and I unlock the enigmatic character of our boy, and gave us all tools to help my son progress even further at home. Tracy is tremendously committed to her work and has an in depth knowledge of many types of therapies methods.

In short, I can’t imagine finding a more appropriate, well qualified and caring therapist. I would highly recommended her to anyone whose child could benefit from her therapy.

~ Patrick

My daughter was diagnosed with ADD at the age of 4 and a half. She was too young to receive medication and so we were referred to a therapist to conduct the INPP program as an alternative. The therapist ended up emigrating after starting the treatment. We desperately started looking for a specialist to continue my daughter’s treatment and was sent from pillar to post.

With some miracle we found Tracy who was able to continue the INPP program with my daughter. The program demands lots of dedication from the therapist to stick to planned therapy sessions and us as parents to do the necessary exercises with our daughter every day. Tracy showed dedication for my daughter to complete the program and had a greater understanding for the challenges my daughter faced. I used to be a very nervous mom when my daughter played on the playground, because she was always so clumsy.

Tracy's INPP program helped my daughter to find her sense of gravity and I am no longer a nervous mom. Tracy also treated my daughter at the age of 7 for ADD with Interactive Metronome. This course was very intriguing and fun to my daughter. Her attention span developed from 2 minutes to 5 minutes which was a much better result for her age. She could not keep to the rhythm and kept increasing her own tempo. Interactive Metronome helped solve this problem too, because it helps with auditory processing. Tracy has been a gift in my daughter’s life. Someone I keep on recommending to people I meet - even doctors and other specialists that could possibly refer their patients to Tracy. Her professionalism and loving nature makes her an amazing person to deal with.

~ Tanya

"INPP® has helped my son, Kyle*, enormously. During the course of Grade 0, Kyle’s teacher suggested that he was a good candidate for the INPP® Programme as he was very untidy and not on the required Grade 0 level. His teacher admitted that it had taken her a while to pick up on his issues as he is an intelligent and social child and had figured out how to avoid the activities he didn’t like."

"After an intensive assessment with an INPP® Practitioner, we established that my clever little boy couldn’t march and while in a crawling position he was unable to turn his head to the left without the entire right side slumping to the floor. When you consider the movement of your head while writing, it soon becomes clear that these are necessary abilities at school."

"Thanks to INPP’s intensive assessment we were able to pick up the fact that Kyle was not able to cross his midline and might also have been mildly dyslexic. The exercises we were required to do on a daily basis were simple, relaxing and a perfect pre-bedtime activity. After just six weeks there was already a huge improvement in Kyle’s balance. At swimming lessons he was soon able to turn his head to the left and right. In fact he was soon being placed in swimming races."

~ Anonymous

Helping our kids be the best they can be